Thursday, July 31, 2008

Who Doesn't Love Gossip Girl?

This just in, we now have a Gossip Girl of Stardoll. Let's get this clear: I love Gossip Girl. haha. Can you blame me. Gossip Girl is a mysterious narrator who infamously reveals all the secrets of the rich and beautiful teenagers of the Upper East Side, all this behind a secret identity. She reveals it as she spots it, and with her matter-of-fact ton e and witty remarks, she's really the ultimate blogger. Now this is the REAL Gossip Girl, yet looks like we have an imitator and a decent one at that. The site itself look legit yet the post are oh-so off. This gal's grammar rivals that of a fifth grader and not the brightest one at that. And the gossip? Let's just say it's about as juicy as a 6 week old lemon. The gals determined though, and I must admit the secret identity is intriguing to say the least. It's a pretty attempt but as pretty as it might be, what's Gossip Girl without gossip? Well, she's just a girl, and that is a tad too relevant when comes to our imitator. I still believe. The idea is very good and she shows sparks of hope here and there. My verdict? Looks like we're just gonna have to wait and see.
So check it out for yourself:

Deja Vu

So once again, today in the starplaza the "coming soon " tab is up. May I mention...again. I thought Stardoll gave up on that. I know I did. Could this be about the StarInteriors or just the Candie's store? I'm confused but come on,it's Stardoll, its all bout confusion at Stardoll. Either way, It's deja vu to the maxium.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Can You Say Lame

Okay so I was stopping by Daily*Tabloid's guestbook doing some good old fashioned publicity for cet blog when I noticed this: All I can say is wow! How absolutely lame, and I must warn you that it doesn't get any better when you stop by her suite. Her presentation looks something like this:

Um, once again, WOW!! This must be the saddest thing I have ever seen on Stardoll. And believe you me I have seen some incredibly sad, sad, SAD things. I won't even being explaining how stupid this is but really, why would anyone WANT to be LaPrimaDonna, or the most hated gal on Stardoll of the moment. This girl, guy, whatever, is an absolute idiot and I pity it for this lame, idiotic, and shameful homage to LaPrimaBITCH. (ahahaha, I love that Sammy).

Calling all Pocahontas Fans

In the spirit of Global Patterns we embrace the new theme: Native American buffalo hunter meets Pocahontas' and Karl Lagerfeild's untalented love child, or a.k.a TACKY!! Reality flash: I haven't wanted to dress-up as Pocahontas since the age of six, and even at that time I was more of a Snow White kinda gal. As much as they are not my style, I am a little curious to see how some people are going to wear these very challenging pieces. We could have a Native costume party where we can drink pemmican, hold hands, and tell stories of the cold winters travelling down the St.Lawrence all while dancing in a circle around an open flame. But since I doubt that happening these clothes are pretty much useless because as much as I'd love to put on my favorite pair of moccasins and get out my bow and arrow for an old fashioned buffalo hunt, for now I'll stick to hunting for bargains at Forever21,in Buffalo.
Will be seeing any of you rocking Pocahontas chic?

Linda Draws the Line

In case you haven't yet given up on The Daily Tabloid, I think it's about time. In a sad attempt to save the lost cause that is the Daily Tabloid LaPrimeDonna has been hired as a new contributor in hopes to (as she says), "single-handedly saving the reputation of this blog". Really who is she kidding. The Daily Tabloid is dead and this so-called "savior" has already screwed the tabloid into an even bigger hole in a matter of days. First she published a pile of BS when she said that Perez was having a secret Stardoll romance with Prime_Tyme. Then she revealed TeenStyle's first covergirl xxdrivebylove, and now she has finally messed with the wrong person. Today in a post titled "Star_Awards= DESPERATE HO" she allegdes that Linda (Star_Awards) has a "thing for .SamtheMan. and then some other totally mean and b*tchy crap about her. Really? That's damn low move for someone who has clearly left the limelight and seriously has no more intensions of starting anything. I know as well as anyone who Star_Awards used to be but know she has a successful blog and she's slowly coming back to earth. This lame piece of trash called a "post" is just a random attack at someone who clearly doesn't deserve it. The best part is Linda is drawing the line as she stands up for herself on her bog The Star Dose and all I can say is YOU GO GIRL!!
LaPrima Donna has just screwed The Daily Tabloid into a bigger disaster and she has made a s*hit load of enemies along the way. I smell desperation.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Done!Magazine: It's Just the Beginning

Now, where do I begin. Well, The Paperdoll Planet is determined to give you the latest and greatest and upcoming magazine's and blogs. Darlings, I'd bookmark it now, because this will be big:

Done! Magazine is everything that is fabulous wrapped together and handed to you in a beautiful magazine. The editor Steelone has done it again and has successfully brought us another great issue, of a magazine that is slowly gaining momentum. So what made me fall in love with Gone!? Stacy F*cking London is on the cover!! Like, shut up. She's the July Fashion Icon and I love her, like I mean, I f*cking ♥ Stacy London. The article is great, it perfectly outlines Stacy London with simplicity, glamour, and ease. I don't need to get out my thesaurus quite yet which is quite a relief when I just need a quick read. Done! Magazine is off to great places, and I just can't wait. Bookmark this ladies and gentleman, 'cuz you'll need to keep an eyes out for Done! Magazine, because really, isn't this just the beginning.

Mission Accomplished

I'm excited...yay!! That was a tad cheesy but seriously, I have struck blog gold, I guess you can call it that. Or you can call it Mission Fashion but I prefer to call it absolutly fabulous!! The first thing I noticed was the absolutly gorgeous layout of the site, sorry, I'm a first impressions kind gal:), like serously it was absolutly stunning. Classy, stylish, fashionable, and very pleasing to any eye. But I must say it was really the posts that sealed the already sweet deal. They are well-written, smart, witty, and extremely fun to read. It was only when I scrolled down and read that the fabulous writters are none other than Stardoll's fav fashionista's: youlovelorie (Lorie), Audryhep4 (Kayla), mriddick1321 (Clarissa). This trio truly have created a blog worthy of applause. It's absolutly fabulous! So check it out:

Read it, bookmark it, and I know you'll love it.

TeenStyle: Release Revealed

I was actually pretty excited upon receiving this piece of information. Finally, Style_Magazine has revealed the time for the TeenStyle release party. It's all in the following post on her club, Style_Magazine:

In all painful honesty I like Style Magazine, yet really, do we need anymore lame teenVOGUE wannabee magazine's? Either way i'm off to shop for my outfit

Will I be seeing you there?

That Explains it?

Our lovely Linda Richardson, or Star_Awards has posted some interesting information on her blog. Apparently she claims the reasons for her strange antics and mysterious leaving and coming back to Stardoll is all due to her mental illness, Bipolar Disorder.

Bipolar Disorder causes her to have mood changes and as she says:
"Like one moment I can be cheering and happy then the next second I can be mad or sad. It's like having multiple personalities at times, but my bipolar is very mild compared to others who are much more severe. I have been living with this since I was 13 years old. But now I have it under control."

Its really hard to tell whether she's telling the truth or not, but I hope she is. Bipolar is a serious illness and I really pity any person heartless enough to pretend they have it just for attention, not to mention this would explain a lot.
Either way, I applaud her for coming out, we know that wasn't an easy thing to do.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

My Wicked Style, absolutly WICKED!!

So it is Summer here in New York and nothing helps me pass the smoggy New York days better than my laptop and Lipton Green Tea ( I ♥ Green Tea), and of course nothing makes me more excited than surfing the Blog world. Brace yourself dears, this is BIG:

You can just imagine my utter joy when I discovered that two of Stardoll well-known and dearly loved fashionistas Gemma_W and Nephtys have teamed up to start their own blog and just like expected, it is amazing!! Gemma_W and Nephtys offer fashion at its purest form, no gossip, feuds, just Stardoll's best and most creative fashion icons, none of which are elites, great, huh?

The people featured are actually quite amazing in their own right, basically they offer fashion in way I haven't seen before. They simply step outside of the box and I owe these two fashion vixens my deepest gratitude for bringing these fabulous me-doll into their well deserved light.

Quite simply they prove that style comes in many forms and they graciously take upon the challenging task of finding Stardoll's best in fashion and innovation.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Look of the Week: Trends Done Right

In case you haven't figured out yet I have a passion for fashion. Okay, that might be a tad cliche, but seriously I love fashion and I'm in constant search for new looks. This week I tried something a little diffrent by seeking out the gals who achieved perfection while rocking Stardoll big names and bigger look's. Here are my picks:

Very Versace One-Peice:

black.pearl320, Versace spring 2008

Tu-Tu Cute:

GabY--, Viktor & Rolf

Va-Va Voom Vintage Tee:

xxdrivebylove, Amy Winehouse

Omg Ashley? I Think Not...

It's quite sad actually. I was surfing through Stardoll when I saw on the side something along the lines of,"Join the club OMG_Ashley and get a free RC Ashley Tisdale Top." well naturally I joined and there it was. Now just to tell you I don't like Ashley Tisdale, in fact, I couldn't care less about the gal but I can't say no to a free top. It's really not that ugly. I actually don't know what that's all about. Is Stardoll suddenly feeling generous or just going ga-ga over Ashley Tisdale. I don't see how supporting some random club might have any purpose. Either way, this so called club, is a joke. Here is an example of a few "discussions" going on:

Basically, these discussions are write your name below and join my club and I'll give you free ____ (stardollars, gifts, RC clothes, you name it). And I don't actually see anything about Ashley Tisdale in any of these discussions. Its a complete disappointment even for Ashley fan's. Honestly, join it, get your free t-shirt, and leave. That's just my humble opinion.
So, what do you think, what's the deal with OMG_Ashley?

Mystery Solved!!

I'm guessing you've all got the news already, but for those of you who haven't, here it is:

So we've all been wondering what the Coming Soon tab would be and it's been finally revealed by xLou26 on her blog. Apparently it's going to be an interiors shop based on the department store, Kohl's. There's also something about a Starzoo, whatever that might be. Sounds pretty coll, as long as it isn't ridiculously overpriced.

Check out Snapple2's and xLou26's blog for more info.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Coming Soon?

So surprise, surprise. Today while visiting the Starplaza I noticed something peculiar under the shops tabs that looked a little something like this:

Coming Soon. Now, rumors are swirling through Stardoll on what this could be. We have theories ranging from StarFurniture to a Starbucks. Personally I think this has something to do with the Ashley Scarf and how you can't buy it, maybe an RC store? Ya, I know, unlikely. As usual time will only tell.

But what do you think is?

New Hotbuys

The new Hotbuys list is out in The Show and boy is it interesting. I'm still unsure whether that was sarcasm. They aren't disappointing, yet they're nothing to get excited about.
Either way here it is:

Now, I'm pretty excited about few of the items such as the new Vivienne Tam Dress (hinting and new Vivienne Tam Collection?) and the Fudge Hotbuy Boots. Yet another issue still stands. Yesterday marked the release of the two Voile Hotbuy dresses which were up for 15sd! That's absolutely insane. First the 12sd sunglasses and earrings, and now these dresses. So what I'm at getting at here is that following this current trend, these Hotbuys will not be cheap. We can complaind all we want but the question still stands: Are we willing to put our money where our mouths are?

(Ohhh, and those red jeans are disgusting)

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Shopping Smart With Alice

Oh Dear. Dear , Dear. Alice is a tad angered by these "new Hotbuys". So I would totally buy them and I probably will, but that doesn't mean I'm not outraged. Stardoll, has done it again. First Hotbuy re-released is a pair of Gold inspired by Mossimo for Target sunglasses that look actually, very nice. Secondly is and old pair of Elle Girl Hotbuy earrings, that honestly, look quite stunning. Pretty as they are they are, brace yourself, 12 sd each. Now call me cheap or whatever, but that just ridiculous, even for my careless Stardoll spending. Its terrible to what Stardoll is coming . First it was the 16sd Hotbuy dresses and 10sd Hotbuy shoes, but this just crossed the line! They are after all just a pair of sunglasses and earrings.

Hey, look at the math here. Just buying the pair of sunglasses would equal 3 pairs of my favorite Pop Sunglasses. And if you buy BOTH, that's equal to buying eight pairs of Pop Sunglasses, which is almost every color except for one. So really dears, is it even worth it. Call me the queen of cheap but I rather rock a new pair of gorgeous sunglasses everyday than wearing one. That how you get the most from every stardollar. That's how you shop smart.

The Tale of the Scarf

You can just imagine my childish giddie-ness when I saw the infamous Ashley Scarf in the NEW section at the Starbazaar, yet one catch darlings, for three days now, you can't buy it!!! It's been driving me absolutely crazy. To add to the absolute wonderfulness of the situation, It's only 3sd, and currently non-superstar. Weird, Stardoll. I'm actually hoping the RC MKA clothes will return into starbazaar. Normally that would be a long shot, yet with Stardoll's recent bringing back of old HB's, its not impossible. Yet the countdown continues, until the gal gets her scarf.

I'll be keeping y'all posted.

Look of the Week: The Devil Wears YSL

Not that she's the devil, but she's not excatly the picture of, ummm, angelhood. Although I am not a fan of these Elites, this one has got some style. At first, I honestly hated it, but after a few more looks, I knew this was gonna be big. Fakeshake3(Ellie) rocks this YSL inspired dress from his Spring 2008 collection with the right accesories, or lack of. By not adding any other layer to this drees and by keeping her hair cropped, she manages to bring all the attention the the dress.
YSL Spring 2008, Fakeshake3 (Ellie)

It's Time to Pose

In the world of Stardoll fashion is our binding force, and what better way to express this valuable sense, than to of course start your own fashion magazine. Yet with a new one popping up ever so often, its truly hard to find one of any value, both within the graphics and the articles. It is also hard to find one that might potentially rival the infamous and greatly hated and coveted, Style Magazine. With few coming surprising close, a new one is added to the game. Pose Magazine offers both descent graphics and fun, feisty writing that is beautifully tied together with an impeccable choice for covergirl, none other than Lindsay Brock or xxdrivebylove. The editor Glamour1 serves up a delicious medley of everything that fashion has to offer. Now what really got me to fall in love with Pose was the article titled "Haute Nature" which believe it or not, was about Eco-Friendly fashion(!). It was both excellently researched and very well written, quite simply, fantastic. I myself being a proud vegan, found it was a refreshing and welcome change from the fur messes of Style Magazine. It may be too soon to tell whether Pose Magazine will make it for the long run, yet right now, its future looks simply promising .

Welcome to the Paperdoll Planet

So here it is, the product of countless visits to the strange virtual world that is none other than Its an obsession, a striving virtual community and the marvel of my current childish fascination. It is also ever changing, and it is impossible for one to sufficiently survive in this closed world without knowing what is going on. Thus, we turn to the blog. What better way to satisfy our craving for juicy knowledge than to check in with the numerous Stardoll blogs? But with a new blog arising every week, and most of them catching fire and burning from our memories in less than a month, where can one turn for reliable, fun and sufficient gossip? The answer is here, in the Paperdoll Planet. Where I will strive tirelessly to provide to you the latest and newest from the wonderful world of Stardoll. All this with an impeccable sense of fun, feist, and fashionable grace, as I set out to go, where no blog has successfully gone before.

I'm Allison, I may be your best friend or your worst enemy, yet truthfully, all I can really be is myself. Most of you do not know me, yet I have come to know most of you. This I promise, is just the beginning. So welcome to Paperdoll Planet, your new obsession.