Saturday, August 9, 2008

Ha Ha Ha?

Oh, my deary Tchen. Thank-you for clearing that all up. Oh how kind of you and what a lovely joke, I can't stop giggling like a perky four-year old watching The Powerpuff Girls with the utter hilariousness of your so called "joke". Okay, that was sarcasim. In case you don't know what i'm taking about here is Tchen lovely presentation, taken yesterday: [click to enlarge]
Well, must I say more. Not only does our belovedly despised and deeply mental, Tchen claim to be Hifof, she also ventures on to claim that it was Fag_Puff, praised and beloved contributor to Perez's blog, that got her deleted. Am I the only one who finds her deeply and mentally deranged? No? Thought so.
Well my deary Tchen, I do not suggest putting this hilarious joke in any upcoming jokebook since it is sadly and deeply stupid. Au Revoir Readers.

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