Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Would You Like a Milk Churn With That?

Sorry for not posting for the past few days but between shopping and sipping lattes with my pals there hasn't been much time for updates, but do not fret, I am determined to catch-up with all the happenings today. First I'll start-off with this:
Something tells me this outfit doesn't come with electricity. "Well Bert, I'm off to go milk 'em cows." As much as I'd love to look like a prairie wife, these outfit aren't really me. What happened to chic, stylish, and fabulous clothes? Stardoll is just a horrendous medley of stylish and disgusting, and these clothes just prove it. What can I say, Stardoll is a rollercoaster of bad taste. Well, off to churn butter in the candlelit barn.


Gabrielle Beecher said...

Seriously, this article was hilarious! I love reading your posts, hun. (:

Allison.Heart said...

I love reading your posts too.