Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The MK and A Stir

So I haven't posted about this but turns out the loop hole is making another appearance, and it's in the hands of someone who I would describe as, well, a pain in the arse. Really, I'm too lazy too go over the whole story so check out my pal's Ashley's and Sammy's blog for the full coverage. It's a long story.

Check out these fabulousities for the whole story:



Any question? Feel free to ask.

ShoppBabe12: "I Am Me"

Today brought upon a revelation from ShoppBabe12. Turns out she's a he. That really doesn't come as a huge surprise since really, who on Stardoll is REAL? Its quite sad what people do to change themselves on Stardoll and the fakeness is all is just too overwhelming. Heck, I might even be a boy. I'm not though. My profile pics is real, and I don't think a boy could rock those heels and shatter a glass like that. Yes, well, more on that some other time.

Really, I respect ShoppBabe12 and all like her/him who can reveal who they really are. I even understand his reasoning. He's just a boy with a love of fashion, and if he needs to be a gal in order to execute it, then so be it. Better to come clean than to be someone you're not. Right? Well, I can't help but wonder if this is all just a publicity stunt. I know, people will really sink THAT low for a few suite visits and comments. No publicity is bad publicity and some people really do live for the controversy.

What do y'all think, is ShoppBabe12 really a ShoppBoy?

The Gift That Keeps on Giving

Well, if getting you're "monthly gift" from hell isn't embarrassing, painful, and awkward enough Stardoll has decided to make a club about it, sponsored by our life saver, Tampax Pearl. Ummm...yay!!
Once again, Stardoll has sold their soul to advertisement, this time advertising tampons to a bunch of pre-teen who will be receiving their visits from Mother Nature pretty soon. Stardoll is slowly destroying all the simple charm that made us first fall in love with it. Sure, these new partners make Stardoll a tad more interesting, but tampons? Do they not realize that the Stardoll world is full of people exploding with immaturity. The club is basically overflowing with topics I'll just file under the "too much information" clause.

But hey, there's free stuff...

which is all ironically white. Message received, thanks Tampax. Moving on.

Would You Like a Milk Churn With That?

Sorry for not posting for the past few days but between shopping and sipping lattes with my pals there hasn't been much time for updates, but do not fret, I am determined to catch-up with all the happenings today. First I'll start-off with this:
Something tells me this outfit doesn't come with electricity. "Well Bert, I'm off to go milk 'em cows." As much as I'd love to look like a prairie wife, these outfit aren't really me. What happened to chic, stylish, and fabulous clothes? Stardoll is just a horrendous medley of stylish and disgusting, and these clothes just prove it. What can I say, Stardoll is a rollercoaster of bad taste. Well, off to churn butter in the candlelit barn.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Ha Ha Ha?

Oh, my deary Tchen. Thank-you for clearing that all up. Oh how kind of you and what a lovely joke, I can't stop giggling like a perky four-year old watching The Powerpuff Girls with the utter hilariousness of your so called "joke". Okay, that was sarcasim. In case you don't know what i'm taking about here is Tchen lovely presentation, taken yesterday: [click to enlarge]
Well, must I say more. Not only does our belovedly despised and deeply mental, Tchen claim to be Hifof, she also ventures on to claim that it was Fag_Puff, praised and beloved contributor to Perez's blog, that got her deleted. Am I the only one who finds her deeply and mentally deranged? No? Thought so.
Well my deary Tchen, I do not suggest putting this hilarious joke in any upcoming jokebook since it is sadly and deeply stupid. Au Revoir Readers.

Will Cartwheel for Comments...

Hello readers, fans, lovers, haters, and who ever else is reading. No I will not actually be breaking out into a cartwheel for your comments, as much as I know you'd love me too. Yet you can only understand how tirelessly I work to bring you all of Stardoll's latest and greatest, served hot and fresh daily. I'm not asking for a lot when I ask to hear your feedback. It's actually quite unhealthy, the the amount of sweat and tears and typing I put into this blog, all for your highest in satisfaction.
Now, I've even made commenting available to everyone. Whether your anonymous or a blogger yourself, any can comment, and I can only hope you do. I love hearing about what you have to say. Call me a comment addict, but hey, this is one addict I hope y'all will feed.

"They told me to go to rehab but I said no, no, no!" Sorry, it just seemed appropriate for the subject matter. So as I cartwheel away and bid you a good day I hope y'all understand we're I'm coming from and stay tuned to The Paperdoll Planet.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Candie's- Back for Good?

I am suffering a severe case of utter confusion. Candie's came. Candie's left. Candie's came back. Candie's left. Candie's came back again. I think that about sums it up. Well, in case your head is spinning in utter confusion, Candie's is back in the Kohl's store along with the Abbey Dawn line where I think it will stay. This whole line has been one big mess-up after another. I'm not sure about you, but I am fed-up. I can't even look at the clothes or even muster-up any artificial excitement what so ever. Stardoll, make-up you're mind, do you want the freakin' line or not.
So was Candie's accidentally release too early due to some technical difficulties or is Stardoll just retarded.
This whole Candie's disaster has left a bitter taste in my mouth.