Saturday, August 2, 2008

Don't Miss me too Much:)

No, I'm not quitting this blog nor leaving Stardoll, In case that was what you're thinking. It's going to take more than laziness to make me give-up on this blog.
Just when I thought I got this bloging figured out I am sad to say that I will be absent for three days. I know. How will you ever survive. In all seriousness this trip was a tad sudden so I don't have enough time to post anything from tonight's festivities, aka teenSTYLE release party, but I promise that I will sort it all out as soon as possible. No worries dears, I will explain everything when I return. Until then your just going to have to patiently await my return to find out my fashion picks of the evening and all the other juicy gossip i'm just dying to reveal. And may I add, I will return soon so I don't miss me too much.
Ta-ta for now,

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