Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The MK and A Stir

So I haven't posted about this but turns out the loop hole is making another appearance, and it's in the hands of someone who I would describe as, well, a pain in the arse. Really, I'm too lazy too go over the whole story so check out my pal's Ashley's and Sammy's blog for the full coverage. It's a long story.

Check out these fabulousities for the whole story:



Any question? Feel free to ask.

ShoppBabe12: "I Am Me"

Today brought upon a revelation from ShoppBabe12. Turns out she's a he. That really doesn't come as a huge surprise since really, who on Stardoll is REAL? Its quite sad what people do to change themselves on Stardoll and the fakeness is all is just too overwhelming. Heck, I might even be a boy. I'm not though. My profile pics is real, and I don't think a boy could rock those heels and shatter a glass like that. Yes, well, more on that some other time.

Really, I respect ShoppBabe12 and all like her/him who can reveal who they really are. I even understand his reasoning. He's just a boy with a love of fashion, and if he needs to be a gal in order to execute it, then so be it. Better to come clean than to be someone you're not. Right? Well, I can't help but wonder if this is all just a publicity stunt. I know, people will really sink THAT low for a few suite visits and comments. No publicity is bad publicity and some people really do live for the controversy.

What do y'all think, is ShoppBabe12 really a ShoppBoy?

The Gift That Keeps on Giving

Well, if getting you're "monthly gift" from hell isn't embarrassing, painful, and awkward enough Stardoll has decided to make a club about it, sponsored by our life saver, Tampax Pearl. Ummm...yay!!
Once again, Stardoll has sold their soul to advertisement, this time advertising tampons to a bunch of pre-teen who will be receiving their visits from Mother Nature pretty soon. Stardoll is slowly destroying all the simple charm that made us first fall in love with it. Sure, these new partners make Stardoll a tad more interesting, but tampons? Do they not realize that the Stardoll world is full of people exploding with immaturity. The club is basically overflowing with topics I'll just file under the "too much information" clause.

But hey, there's free stuff...

which is all ironically white. Message received, thanks Tampax. Moving on.

Would You Like a Milk Churn With That?

Sorry for not posting for the past few days but between shopping and sipping lattes with my pals there hasn't been much time for updates, but do not fret, I am determined to catch-up with all the happenings today. First I'll start-off with this:
Something tells me this outfit doesn't come with electricity. "Well Bert, I'm off to go milk 'em cows." As much as I'd love to look like a prairie wife, these outfit aren't really me. What happened to chic, stylish, and fabulous clothes? Stardoll is just a horrendous medley of stylish and disgusting, and these clothes just prove it. What can I say, Stardoll is a rollercoaster of bad taste. Well, off to churn butter in the candlelit barn.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Ha Ha Ha?

Oh, my deary Tchen. Thank-you for clearing that all up. Oh how kind of you and what a lovely joke, I can't stop giggling like a perky four-year old watching The Powerpuff Girls with the utter hilariousness of your so called "joke". Okay, that was sarcasim. In case you don't know what i'm taking about here is Tchen lovely presentation, taken yesterday: [click to enlarge]
Well, must I say more. Not only does our belovedly despised and deeply mental, Tchen claim to be Hifof, she also ventures on to claim that it was Fag_Puff, praised and beloved contributor to Perez's blog, that got her deleted. Am I the only one who finds her deeply and mentally deranged? No? Thought so.
Well my deary Tchen, I do not suggest putting this hilarious joke in any upcoming jokebook since it is sadly and deeply stupid. Au Revoir Readers.

Will Cartwheel for Comments...

Hello readers, fans, lovers, haters, and who ever else is reading. No I will not actually be breaking out into a cartwheel for your comments, as much as I know you'd love me too. Yet you can only understand how tirelessly I work to bring you all of Stardoll's latest and greatest, served hot and fresh daily. I'm not asking for a lot when I ask to hear your feedback. It's actually quite unhealthy, the the amount of sweat and tears and typing I put into this blog, all for your highest in satisfaction.
Now, I've even made commenting available to everyone. Whether your anonymous or a blogger yourself, any can comment, and I can only hope you do. I love hearing about what you have to say. Call me a comment addict, but hey, this is one addict I hope y'all will feed.

"They told me to go to rehab but I said no, no, no!" Sorry, it just seemed appropriate for the subject matter. So as I cartwheel away and bid you a good day I hope y'all understand we're I'm coming from and stay tuned to The Paperdoll Planet.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Candie's- Back for Good?

I am suffering a severe case of utter confusion. Candie's came. Candie's left. Candie's came back. Candie's left. Candie's came back again. I think that about sums it up. Well, in case your head is spinning in utter confusion, Candie's is back in the Kohl's store along with the Abbey Dawn line where I think it will stay. This whole line has been one big mess-up after another. I'm not sure about you, but I am fed-up. I can't even look at the clothes or even muster-up any artificial excitement what so ever. Stardoll, make-up you're mind, do you want the freakin' line or not.
So was Candie's accidentally release too early due to some technical difficulties or is Stardoll just retarded.
This whole Candie's disaster has left a bitter taste in my mouth.

So Long, Farewell

Where, oh, where has our Hifof gone? As my pal Ashley reported on her blog, it seems Hifof's profile as been deleted from the face of Stardoll. Of course, she'll probably be back to the tell the tale, but I can't help but wonder what happened this time. It's strange because I just visited her yesterday and today...BAM!...she's gone. But, Please don't fret dolls, Hifof always finds a way and she'll be back and bigger and badder than ever. She is after all, the one and only Hifof. It's not like this is a surprise, she does have a gasp-worthy amount people reporting her everyday for no reason that it seems Stardoll has finally decided to pull the plug and switch off the life support.

As plausible as that sounds, I can't help but wonder if maybe Hifof pulled her own plug? Just yesterday she gave a very strange presentation revelation saying that she wasn't very social and she had difficulty making friend on here, maybe Hifof, the eye of countless controversy and drama, just decided to leave. Either way Teale-Haters and Teale-Obessers alike can only help but speculate what could have happened. All I know is upon here eventual return she will enlighten us with what happened, or was this here ninth life.

What do y'all think. Will we be seeing Teale/Hifof return anytime soon?

20 million

Oh wow!! Looks like Stardoll is approaching the 2o million member mark. How very exciting! I suggest we all create as many new me-dolls as necessary in order to reach the mark as soon as possible. Or not...your choice. I'm actually very excited and curious to see what will happen. I believe last time Stardoll reached the the 10 million mark, the 10 millionth member roccia received a year of superstar and 1000 stardollars. Plus, everyone else got free clothes. Well the clothes were hideous, but maybe Stardoll will make more of an effort this time. Oh, and is it just me, or does 'Any day now we got big 20 million', lack a little basic grammar. Whatever.

Good Luck to everyone trying to get the big 20 Mil!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Spotlight: writemarycat

So, I have decided to come-up with a segment about the me-dolls that move our world. Its called The Spotlight and every week I will pick a great, influential, and fashionable person to interview.
This week I start off the segment with someone I personally adore. Her contributions to fashion have been nothing short of extraordinary. She's classy, sassy, and everything in between. So you can only imagine my delight when I got a chance to sit down with her and ask a few questions.

A: So, Eternity Magazine has been a complete success. What inspired you to create a magazine?

M: Completely, haha!Well, I was about to leave Stradoll. Nothing happened, really. And one day I saw one blog..I don't remember the name now..I know, that it isn't running anymore, but that was...just a blog about stylish Stardoll. Nothing new...but I was..in trance kinda..my inspiration is a very flammable thing, and I can have it, just when I see the piece of paper or something...very simple! True! So, I decided to make a magazine. I wasn't good at graphics, I mean... I installed my graphics program without any knowledge what to do..and just became working. Voila, Eternity magazine - kid of my work and work of my Team - Vitema4ka, Thats.her*, Undatoad, Angeliiicaaa__, xilda_lady,..and two new workers, name of who you'll know very soon!

A: So that's how it all came to be. Now tell us a little bit about your fabulous self? Who is Mary and what makes you click?

M: Mary...I think I know her! ;)Well, simple girl...No, not simple. I am unique, in real-life especially. I live in Lviv, Ukraine, and it is a fabulous city. I have real life, and best friends. Everything included. I really know what I want, everytime. I have deeply developed intuition, I feel even who must be next Cover Girl for my magazine, haha! I am 100% positive and optimistic, I believe, that everyone can win. My parents are very successful, they have own business. And people in there are very friendly, so I know, from whom I can learn. What else? Oh, you won't believe - I am lazy! Total laziness in my heart, haha!

A: Haha. So, we all can agree that Eternity is a fabulous magazine. Would you consider one day owning a real magazine and pursuing a career in writing?

M: That makes me proud of my Team and me!Really? I think about that a lot now! It would be a dream come-true! I would like to own a magazine, I am able to organize people, what brings success! And if I will, I will find my Eternity Team through the world, and will work with them! :D

A:Well then, I look forward to getting my subscription to the real Eternity Magazine one day. What inspires the way you dress? Do you have any fashion icons and favourite designers?

M: The way I dress... I think, other girls here. (As for Stardoll I mean). I can take the idea, and develop it. Or, sure, I do that by myself..what I feel - I wear. And in that case I try to make best combinations! Fashion icon...I prefer just - people, who's style I like! So, as for me those are Audrey Hepburn, sure...Agyness Deyn, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, and I think my biggest inspiration is a magazine. Elle and Elle Girl. I adore them! As for designer..depends on collection, but I love Valentino! He's fabulous! And also, really love Donna Karan New York. In real-life their cloth are very cool! I own one shoes, red ones..they are nice!

A: What is an item of clothing you and your me-doll can't live without?

M: My meDoll...I love Birkin bag! My Fav bag, as in real-life as on Stardoll! I hope soon, when I will be a bit older, I will by myself one! (I don't want to spend my parent's money on that all)

Sure, my meDoll can't be without a dress, or jeans..as for another places, I would choose Jessica pants, and there is one Voile "Belt"...with a ribbon, black one..I love it, very helpful thing!

A: Finally, many people out there are aspiring to create a magazine as successful and stylish as Eternity, what advice do you have for those aspiring editors-in chief.

M: To Calm down, haha! :DWell, seriously. I wish you all success. And DIFFERENT ideas. Try to get into Stardoll something new! Something, what was never here, what was never used! You must work on it. Ready? Do something, but please, don't ask me what to do! No one helped me on my way! And no one won't help you. Only you can do something. You can change something. Good luck, I believe in you!

A:Thanks so much for your time and I wish you and the Eternity Team many more great issues to come.

M: Thanks! :)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Sidekick Decor

So with the new virtual sidekick give-aways the sidekick has been popping up in suites everywhere yet here a how a few fashionista's are rocking their new decor item.

Who's Who:
1) xchanel05
2) Blonde_Bum101
3) model-selena
4) goodgal7
6) thats.her*
7) puccapo

And these are the gals rocking their sidekicks as hot accesories:

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Make Clothes, Get a Sidekick...

what a lovely concept. Stardoll really deserves a pat on the shoulder for this one. The concept is quite simple yet genius. So now that StarDesign is slowly losing steam and becoming, quite frankly, overrated. Its nice, but overrated. Everything that could have been done has been done and there really seems to be no place that is left unexplored in the creative field of StarDesign. Speaking of overrated, at about the same time the sidekick jumped and to the scene and ironically, it is now slowing burning out. So here's the genius. Our friends and enemies at Stardoll have decided to give us a free sidekick if we create and purchase a piece of clothing at StarDesign. What a delightful idea. Just when when I was thinking that Stardoll couldn't possibly find any other ways to rip of my hard earned Stardollers, they never cease to amaze me with their new schemes. I'm just wondering if Stardoll is having a blast rolling around in money. Do they like use hundred dollar bills as napkins? Seriously, the deal with Kohl's and know this with T.Mobile. Stardoll is getting the cash, and yet they're still dragging us for every penny we got. That's low.

Since I'm not quite the designer I just made a silk scarf and called it a day but I really can't wait to see who will win the almighty REAL Sidekick. Oh, I didn't mention that part yet. Well, by receiving the free Sidekick in your suite you're design is entered in a completion and the owner of best StarDesign gets a real Sidekick. Stardoll you truly raised the bar with this one.

Eternity Magazine: August Love

One word, Fierce!! Writemarycat has done it again and I can't help but rejoice with happiness. Eternity Magazine has truly got to be one of my favorite magazine's and this fantastic August issue, just proves it. Eternity is here for the long run and this issue is really something. With the oh-so beautiful TheBlack.Secret gracing the cover you can just bet that this issue, is going to be truly amazing. All the articles were great as always and so I embarked on the exciting journey that is reading Eternity Magazine. Let's just say I loved, loved, LOVED it. My favourite article would probably be "Wear as Mary Kate Olsen! Cheap". It was really great to see what a few Stardoll classic pieces can put together. Really the outfits weren't too off fro the original and the whole idea is quite charming. It's absolutely crazy what people are doing to get their manicured claws on those MKA RC clothes and really its quite frustrating. These looks are just as good as the originals and affordable!! Double Bonus!

Dolls, you just got to love Eternity. I know I do and all it take is one issue so if your Eternity Magazine romance hasn't yet began, then what are you waiting for? Check it out:

Here We Go Again

I got a delightful surprise when I arrived home yesterday and I found a new line of clothing at Kohl's. Deja Vu much? Is it just me, or did this whole Kohl's situation just get way more confusing? Looks like we're over Hayden Pannetiere and now we make way for the punk pop Princess herself. You guessed it, Avril Lavigne. The line isn't perfect, but it's quite nice.
I bought a few pieces and I love them. It's so Avril, yet so wearable. What get me thinking is why did Stardoll ditch the "Inspired by Hayden, Worn by You" line? Stardoll is just getting way too confusing.
This line is all about bold T's, bright pink, plaid mini skirt, and all this under an affordable price tag. You got it trendy, bold, and affordable. Overall, the clothes give of a very Rock n' Roll vibe. Really you're bound to find something you're gonna like. Whether you're looking for a t-shirt or a hoodie, Kohl's got it. So I suggest you waltz on over to the Starplaza and pick-up a piece of sweet punk Avril, you won't regret it.

These are a few of my favorite peices:

teenStyle Release Party: Hits and Misses

On August 1st, to quote my pal Ashley, "everybody who's anybody showed up to see teenSTYLE magazine's very first edition". The party took place in Style_Magazine's guestbook and as we awaited the release we patiently sipped our virtual champagne and tapped our Jimmy Choo's to the beats of the "Teen" inspired music,or up a certain somebody's arse, but more on that later. Of course the time zone difference caused a little bit of confusion, yet as everyone arrived, we had no problem getting the soiree started. There were a few problems and the largest being the fact that there was a technical difficulty with Wordpress and the whole magazine wouldn't load. So when the time came for the big reveal at the stroke of midnight the teenSTYLE staff managed to release the cover leaving us wanting more. Yet here it is, the cover that has got all of Stardoll town raving:It's fabulous, right? Fun, colourful, and Lindsay looks stunning. I really gotta give it up for the teenSTYLE staff, because they really blew me away with this one. I love everything about this cover. The graphics are amazing and whole thing just screams FABULOUSITY. Its everything we love about STYLE with a fun, witty, teenage edge. STYLE may have gone to the teen's, but sure hasn't lost it's touch. Now to the party! We laughted, we danced, we talked. What's a STYLE magazine party without looking fabulous. So naturally here are my picks for the Hits and Misses for the teenSTYLE magazine release party:


She looked okay. She didn't wow me, yet she didn't really step outside the box. She simply wore a Vivienne Tam dressed and paired it with shoes and a clutch. Call it classic, call it boring, I call it average.

Verdict: YAWN!!writemarycat

Can you say Glam. The editor-in-chief of one of Stardoll's other leading magazines obviously know a thing or two about fashion as she brought full on glamor rocking this gorgeous Lily et Cie by Rita Watnik gown.

Verdict: Total HIT lovinitlovinit
I wasn't sure what to think of this outfit except for unique. She defiantly didn't play this one safe and you got to hand it to her, she looks pretty good.

verdict: HIT Star_Awards

She's back and she's bringing a whole new look with her. Although I loved this look , it wasn't exactly teenSTYLE formal dress code release party, if you get what I mean.

Verdict: MISSfakeshake3
She's one of Stardoll's fashion icons yet as much as I love this look, it just doesn't seem to match the formal theme. I think she just may have gone a tad too casual, but its Ellie and she obviously created a very beautiful outfit.
Verdict: HITBlonde_Bum101
She truly stepped outside the box and took this Hotbuys tank to a whole new level. She's gorgeous and creative and she totally rocked this outfit.

Verdict: HIT
I just think this outfit is too out-of-place for the event. I actually quite liked the outfit until I saw the scale tights and cowboy boots. I call them as I see them, and I never wanna see those...ever.
Verdict:MISS chanelno.5
Let's just slap a big fat "What was she thinking" sticker on this mess. I really don't know what else to say about that.
Verdict: big MISS
The queen of layering does it again. The current STYLE magazine covergirl leaves us speechless once again as she puts together other outfit that's nothing short of a masterpiece.

Verdict: HIT
Its Britney B!tch, and don't you forget it. I gotta hand it to her, she managed to created a stunning outfit that just goes to show, what a Little layering can do.

Verdict: HIT

So this is one of my favorites from the evening. Gal, you rocked it. Its simple, its elegant, and its oh-so sophisticated. No frills, Puff, or clutter, just a beautiful outfit at its purest.

Verdict: HIT

Feather Boa? Check. Black Ballgown? Check. Fabulousity? Check, check, check. Really, only Anthony could pull this one off. He is after all our favorite tranny and that's why we love him. He's the life of the party and the God (or goddess) of creativity.

Verdict: HIT HIT HIT!!

Well those are my picks from the evening and in case you haven't checked out teenSTYLE here's the link:

Until next time.


Baby, I'm Back!

I'm back from my three day vacation feeling well rested and looking very tanned. Three days of non-stop beach and tennis truly do some good for a gals well being. I'm back to the smoggy city life unfortunately, and finally. The beach is great but me, I'm a city gal. More news! Notice anything new? Why yes I'm back to Blogger. Let's give a little hooray. Wordpress is fabulous, simple and chic but it's just not...me. Also it was bugging me that I couldn't put a music player on the page. It just wouldn't The Paperdoll Planet without the funky beats of Santogold welcoming you to the blog. I made some minor tweaks to the layout. Hope y'all love it as much as I do.

Well i'm back baby, and stay tuned to the upcoming posting whirlwind as I'll try to sum up the three days of my absence. It's The Paperdoll Planet and y'all won't miss a beat.


Saturday, August 2, 2008

Don't Miss me too Much:)

No, I'm not quitting this blog nor leaving Stardoll, In case that was what you're thinking. It's going to take more than laziness to make me give-up on this blog.
Just when I thought I got this bloging figured out I am sad to say that I will be absent for three days. I know. How will you ever survive. In all seriousness this trip was a tad sudden so I don't have enough time to post anything from tonight's festivities, aka teenSTYLE release party, but I promise that I will sort it all out as soon as possible. No worries dears, I will explain everything when I return. Until then your just going to have to patiently await my return to find out my fashion picks of the evening and all the other juicy gossip i'm just dying to reveal. And may I add, I will return soon so I don't miss me too much.
Ta-ta for now,

Friday, August 1, 2008

Today's the Day

After months of anticipation and expectation today we mark the release of teenStyle, and boy, is it exciting. The party is annouced to take place at Style_Magazine's guestbook at 11:00pm British Summer Time. The dress code is as expected, formal, yet with a teenage kick to mark the release of a teenage magazine. Makes sense.

Since this will be the first party I will be attending after the opening of this blog I will now unleash my fashion expertise and bring to you the Best and Worst dressed of the night. Hope y'all have got your gorgeous outfits ready, because I'll be watching. Hope to see you all there looking fabulous.

Have fun tonight, and i'm off to get my outfit ready.
